They weren't.
We were living on borrowed money and with the open regulations getting passed it allowed more swindlers to come to the party.
Why wouldn't we have gotten screwed? It was, after all, an orgy.

Now you younger generation put the thinking caps on and you get that damned money from somewhere else besides mom and dad and granddad who built this wonderful country for you.
Vote in some boring azzed congressmen who have actual degrees and/or experience in money management and throw in a couple boring azzed sociologists while yer at it.
Meanwhile you leave yer stinking little grimey hands off my retirement I worked hard for and am already willing to wait a couple extra years to receive.
Quit trying to make me feel guilty or like some second class low class druggie on welfare.
Ain't happinin'

I'm proud of the Social Security system in this country and Medicare which has been streamlined a couple times over the last few years.
While I'm at it quit with all this "re-doing America" bull **** I seem to see and hear everywhere.
America is just fine.
We are hitting a rough spot. So what? It's happened before. Buck up and plant a garden and take a walk once in awhile.
Push for more energy sources to be attached to the grid.
Almost forgot-
Don't buy a friggen house that is monthly mortgaged at over one of your one week's paychecks!
You are kindly welcome.

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