I'll start by explaining the why:
A male in some countries has a vested interest in assuring any babies born to his wife are absolutely, unquestionably his. Also that she was a virgin before their wedding night.
What better way than to cut off all her outer female sexual organs, sew the thing up around a straw (yes you read correctly-a straw), until the wedding night right? If you think that deserves a big 'yuck', try this:
After she is found to be impregnated, sew her up again until delivery is imminent and a surgeon slices her "scar" at just the right moment ( a moment in between her bleeding to death and the baby dying in the birth canal).
The practice came to my attention while in nursing school when I picked up a physician's journal to read an article with a curious sounding title. "Female Circumcision" ???
What was that?
I wouldn't have believed the answer had I not been reading this in a reputable periodical.
Am I Not Human:
What’s the big deal, why do I care, and why should you?
According to the World Health Organization:
Female genital mutilation (FGM) includes procedures that intentionally alter or injure female genital organs for non-medical reasons.
FGM is internationally recognized as a violation of the human rights of girls and women.
It is mostly carried out on young girls sometime between infancy and age 15 years.
An estimated 100 to 140 million girls and women worldwide are currently living with the consequences of FGM.
Common Health Consequences of Female Circumcision Include:
Damage to other organs
Urine retention
Extreme scar tissue
Painful menstruation cycles
Torn bladder/vaginal walls
Nerve damage
Child birth obstruction
Painful sexual intercourse
Inability to experience sexual pleasure
What is Female Circumcision?
Depending on the region and culture female circumcision can include any and/or all of the following:
Removing the hood of the clitoris.
Removing the clitoris.
Removing part or all of the labia minora.
Removing part or all of the labia majoria.
Sewing the vaginal opening closed leaving an extremely small opening for the passing of urine/menstrual blood.
Stretching the clitoris and/or labia
Burning the clitoris and surrounding tissue.
Scraping the vagina.
Inserting acidic substances into the vagina to shrink or narrow the vagina.
These circumcisions are not usually done in a clean hospital with sterile tools (but some are). Many of these circumcisions take place in small villages with stones, razors, scissors, knives, and no anesthetic. Most people cannot even fathom any sharp instrument coming close to their genitalia for any reason. In America, women pierce the hood of their clitoris to intensify sexual pleasure. Its unimaginable that there are parts of the world where women are pressured into removing any part of their PRIVATE parts….
Yes, we are talking about young girls and women being tied up, held down, and having their genitals butchered! This practice is not always done by force… but it is often an expectation (tradition) and a rites of passage. Some believe female circumcision garners respect and honor. This is a frightening practice and a dangerous way to gain respect or acknowledgment as a woman. In all honesty…as an outsider looking in, female genital mutilation seems like an extreme way to dishonor and disrespect a woman…by cutting off and discarding parts of the female anatomy… Who benefits from it? How human would I be if I didn’t ask or care?
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