May 17, 2010

The road to Tarabithia -2010 version.

Gretchen (you may remember her from the winter skunk fiasco) and I have found an excellent get away for my exercise plan and her morning obligations.

A construction outfit built a bridge over the Mosses River and we take advantage of it to view the scenery and peruse the wildlife. Gretchen also favors rolling in any available dung she can find, while I take pictures of the river.

Something about a river has a calming affect on my mind, and washes me with a sense of "home".

While we are immersed in our little wood, Gretchen acts much like the dogs of my childhood. Dispelled for a time is the needy city dog psyche while a true descendant of the wolf takes over.
As for myself, a dormant imagination begins to stir...

Tarabithia is just over the next rise and across a field of flowers. What crises will the duo encounter during this last vault toward their combined destinies?

Ah...those pictures are for another day...

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