Dear Agueda (we would have called you Aggie for short ),
I want you to know, darling great-granddaughter, that I deeply apologize for the fact you were never born. There was no malformation that would have made you suffer, or some death defying illness that made the doctor relieve your beloved mom from pain and choose her life over yours. That might have been honorable.
No, you were never born because women got the idea they were a country unto themselves. No longer wishing to be equal partners with their men, they decided that any whim was good enough to get rid of your tiny little pink azz, cute and cuddly though you may have become.
When abortion became a birth control alternative, all bets were off and the money game rolled in big time. It lobbied both major political parties and blasted the news media with subversive messages giving men and women alike the idea that to question the ethics, data , or health risks of this procedure was to commit a social faux pas the likes from which even the most beloved celebrity could never recover.
So the generations before (what would have been) yours stubbornly clung to their "right to privacy" at any risk even equating it with civil rights and women getting the vote.
I hate to say it, Aggie, but in one way I'm glad you were never born, because by that time it would have been against the law for me to read you the Bible or send you to Sunday school. I would be an eccentric old outcast with a criminal record but your (almost) mum, my precious cherub granddaughter, instead of coming to me and the rest of her family with the news and the dilemma as we all so warmly wished, sought only the Nazi state supported Clinic for answers.
And hiding behind a banner that said "freedom for women" what advice do you think they gave her?
$$ Ca-ching-ca-ching $$.
I hope you feel a little consolation in the fact your placenta was sold to a hairdressing company and some of your cells were cloned for an Alzheimer research study.
This letter is in
response is to this HP article
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