I admire people like Helen Thomas even if I disagree with their opinion and how they make their statement.
But people like her, Jane Fonda, and Roseanne Barr are all into one simple thing: the truth.
Their assessments may be right or wrong; the way they report them could go smoother. But their views are all politically incorrect; they go against the grain, and are open to mob interpretation of a sound bite or photo.
Jane thought the Vietnam war was wrong. She posed with the enemy in a photograph. Her critics tore at her for many years because of it. Helen Thomas stated an opinion in a flippant manner-but it is an opinion borne of frustration at years of U.S. bias concerning Israel. Now she is being called anti-Semitic.
The only one of the three who sacrificed her image for a message that immediately changed the way we look at a subject was Roseanne Barr.
She called attention to the fact men got on national T.V. and played with their balls. Whether it was to avoid sweat rivulets, scratch or just because they wanted a quick feel, these high salaried sports stars had no clue they should not be doing this and no one (till Rosie) had the heart to tell them.
I would not have done what Roseanne did, but firmly believe it took that to show people how truly gross it looked.
( Thank you, Roseanne!:wave).
God love big mouthed older women! :thumbsup
They often take the tough road because quite frankly, nobody else has the guts.
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