April 28, 2010


Wow! I was looking for  a prayer for a friend's sick family and wondered if there was one online for folks who are studying an LPN refresher course! LOL!
God is good. Here's what I found written by a guy many ages ago, but spiritually helpful even today:
Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, 
true source of light and fountain of wisdom! 
Pour forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect, 
dissipate the darkness which covers me, 
that of sin and of ignorance. 
Grant me a penetrating mind to understand, 
a retentive memory, 
method and ease in learning, 
the lucidity to comprehend, 
and abundant grace in expressing myself. 
Guide the beginning of my work, 
direct its progress, 
and bring it to successful completion. 
This I ask through Jesus Christ, 
true God and true man, 
living and reigning with You 
and the Father, forever and ever.

Thank you,  St. Thomas Aquinas! 
Well I'm on the 6th chapter of 9, so hopefully things will start winding down to exam time soon  with confidence and familiarity.
Pray for me!
Good night.

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